Selected Reviews
Blurring the Boundaries – Again - Live
IDFA institute, 05/2024
Expanding Reality – On the Filmmaker and Visual Artist Mario Pfeifer –
Claudia Euen, 02/2024
Death in Custody – DW Radio feature
Benjamin Brathke, 11/2022
Wer vertraut der Polizei? –
Lynn Kühl, 09/2022
Spurensuche im Fall Jalloh – FAZ
Georg Imdahl, 11/2021
Affective Witnessing as Theory and Practice
Michael Richardson & Kerstin Schankweiler, 05/2021
Ein Mensch brennt – taz
Jan-Paul Koopmann, 03/2021
Sichtbar bleiben – NWZ
Oliver Schulz, 03/2021
Empört Euch – Kunstforum, Bd. 272
Heinz-Norbert Jocks, 01/2021
Eikon #112 Magazine
Image Wars – Jana Franze, 10/ 2020
BBC - Podcast: Evidently Art
Andrew McGibbon meets the artists behind works that visualise criminal investigations and abuses of power, bringing evidence to the art gallery and holding perpetrators to account. 08/ 2019
Play it (again) – Kunstforum, Bd. 262
Martin Seidel, 08/2019
Three shows on globalism, race and video art – The Globe and Mail, Toronto
Kate Taylor on The Power Plant summer exhibitions, 06.07.2019
Sprechende Landschasften – Jungle World
Tanja Dückers, 14.11.2019
Die Grenzen des Eigenen erfahren – taz die tageszeitung
Katrin Bettina Müller, 30.07.2019
The 10 Absolute Best Works of Art We Saw Around the World in 2018 – artnews
Kate Brown about Again, 27.12.2018
Jeder soll frei sprechen können – Monopol Magazin
Marlen Hobrack about Über Angst und Bildung, 12.12.2018
At the Berlin Biennale, the Art of Saying ‘No’ – The New York Times
Jason Farago on the 10. Berlin Biennale, 13.06.2018
The 10th Berlin Biennale – Artforum international
Madeleine Schwartz on the 10. Berlin Biennale, October 2018
Video installation 'Again' asks troubling questions about Saxony's far right
Pacinthe Mattar, Deutsche Welle, 02.10.2018
Selbstjustiz oder Courage? – taz die tageszeitung
Sarah Alberti über Again / Noch einmal, 10. Berlin Biennale, 08.06.2018
Two Berlin Filmmakers Reflect on Germany’s Racial Dynamics – Hyperallergic
Adela Yawitz, August 3, 2018
Art does not need another hero – Al Jazeera
M Neelika Jayawardane on the 10. Berlin Biennale, 18.06.2018
The Revolution Will Not Be Biennalized – Hyperallergic
Dorian Batycka on the 10. Berlin Biennale, August 1, 2018
Politisches Statement und sinnliche Erfahrbarkeit – Deutschlandfunk
Kunstkritiker Georg Imdahl im Gespräch mit Doris Schäfer-Noske, 04.03.2018
Im Dschungel der Möglichkeiten
WDR 3 Mosaik, Andrej Klahn, 03.03.2018
The Top Emerging Artists 2016 - Artsy
Artsy Editorial, December 2016
Ein Panorama falscher Verhältnisse – Neues Deutschland
Radek Krolczyk über Explosion in der GfZK Leipzig, 29.11.2016
Kultur als Ventil – Sächsische Zeitung
Gastkommentar Perspektive / Gesellschaft – Feuilleton, 28.11.2016
3°Bienal de Montevideo – Artishock, 18.11.2016
Shocktherapie – Postdamer Neueste Nachrichten
Lena Schneider über Shock Room im Brandenburgischen Kunstverein, 04.11.2016
Näherkommende Einschläge – Leipziger Volkszeitung
Jens Kassner über Explosion in der GfZK Leipzig, 03.11.2016
Monopol Magazin, Oktober, 2016
Nation der verlorenen Seelen, by Anne Kohlick
taz . die tageszeitung
Sarah Alberti über Explosion in der GfZK Leipzig, 24.10.2016
Monopol Magazin, August, 2016
Mehr als Bling, Mehr als Picasso Baby! by Daniel Völkzle
A Nation of Billions, July 2016
This is a Nation of Lost Soul – Marium Raja in conversation with Mario Pfeifer
Musikvideos zwischen Avantgarde und Kommerz – Deutschlandfunk, May 2016
Azadê Peşmen on the 62nd Oberhausener Kurzfilmtage, MuVi-Award
Artsy Feature, April 2016
Why Artist Mario Pfeifer’s Method Might Just Change the World by Alexander Forbes
Art in America, March 2016
Walking the Armory with Jenny Jaskey by Wendy Vogel
Artsy, March 2016
Molly Gottschalk on Armory Fair's Top Ten Emerging Artists
Ocula, March 2016
Brienne Walsh on Armory Fair's Top 5 Booths
Solar Magazine , March 2016
Katharina Schendel Apprxomation in the digital age ...
Thisistomorrow, November 2015
Josh Wilson on Approximation in the digital age ...
Corridor 8 , November 2015
Rachel McDermott on Approximation in the digital age ...
Artforum online, October 2015
Julian Elias Bronner on #blacktivist, Ludlow38, New York
Mario Pfeifer @ Circa Projects, October 2015
Mariam Rezaei on Approximation in the digital age ...
The Guardian - This week's new exhibitions, October 2015
Robert Clark on Approximation, Circa Projects, Newcastle
#blacktivist:: Quand l'art contemporain absorbe le hip-hop, October 2015
Aurélien Poirson-Atlana on #blacktivist, Ludlow38, New York
On Millitant Otherness, September 2015
Michael Anthony Farley er on #blacktivist, Ludlow38, New York
Art Collector Magazine, June 2015
"Here and There: Mario Pfeifer on cultural extinction", by Joel Mu
Neues Deutschland, June 2015
"Aus Lehm wird Schokolade", by Tom Mustroph
LVPABERLIN2015, June 2015
Talia Kirsh on Approximation in the digital age ..., KOW, Berlin
Artsy editorial, May 2015
"Gallery Weekend Berlin Shows an Art Scene in Its Prime", by Astrid Mania
Arte Al Alimite, February 2015
"Mario Pfeifer Times Two"
Simon Badilla in conversation with Mario Pfeifer on his Chile projects
Artforum online, December 2014
Nick Pinkerton on the 5th Migrating Forms Festival at BAMcinématek
Artishock, November 2014
"Su Acercamiento al sur y norte chilenons"
ArtSlant, May 2013
Episodic Encounters: “We read, we travel, we become”
Deepika Sorabjee on Mario Pfeifer, Review project88, Solo Exhibition
The Sunday Guardian, May 2013
"Video-chronicles of the island city"
Moresha Benjamin on Mario Pfeifer, Review project88, Solo Exhibition
Indian Express Mumbai, May 2013
"Multilayered City"
Sankhayan Gosh on Mario Pfeifer, Review project88, Solo Exhibition
Africa is a Country, March 2012
"The Branson Biennale for Morocco" Orlando Reade on Proposal.Statement.Interview.Conversation.
Artforum, December 2011
John Beeson on Mario Pfeifer, Review KOW, Solo Exhibition
Art Review, December 2011
Kimberly Bradley on Mario Pfeifer, Review KOW, Solo Exhibition
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, November 2011
"Image, Reality and Staging" by Christoph Schütte, 27/11/2011
Camera Austria, April 2011
Esther Ruelfs on New Topographics, Landesgalerie Linz, SK Stiftung Cologne
The Brooklyn Rail, July 2011
"BLURRED BOUNDARIES: Selections from Migrating Forms 2011"
by Colin Beckett and Jason Livingston
Octopus Journal, July 2011
"Baltz, Pfeifer and Irvine" by Anna Kryczka
Kaleidoscope #11, June 2011
"Art/People: Mario Pfeifer" by Alhena Katsof
Slant Magazine - Art Politics Commentary, May 2011
Mysteries of Space and Time: Migrating Forms '11 by Ricky D'Ambrose
Senses of Cinema, May 2011
"Measuring Distance" by Genevieve Yue
Ahorn Magazine, April 2011
"We recommend: Mario Pfeifer" by Daniel Augschoell & Anya Jasbar
Artnet, September 2009
"In der Erfahrungskoje: Trouble with Realism", KOW, by Astrid Mania